who we are
Slide One

this is us

Growth-Link has had longstanding partnership relationships with various blue-chip companies for more than 21 years providing integrated learning and development solutions. As a company we are very passionate to facilitate growth through our service offerings:

  • Supervisory, managerial and leadership training
  • Psychometric and organisational assessments
  • Coaching
  • Learning material design and development

Our aim is to design and deliver people solutions that empower our clients to implement their strategies. This ensures:

  • Competent employees
  • High performing teams
  • Thriving organisations
  • Prosperous societies

The three pillars that form the foundation of Growth-Link Integrated Solutions are embodied by these words: Connect. Learn. Lead. Each word represent how we work with our clients in the crafting and the delivery of solutions that are simple yet progressive, sustainable and integrated. Individual, teams and organisation connect within themselves and with others to obtain insight which informs their learning process. The outcome is drastic improvement to lead the way in their personal- and business endeavours.

Unlock your business’ potential
by partnering with us


Growth-Link crafts and delivers sustainable and integrated learning, psychometric assessment and coaching solutions in partnership with our clients and live our values in (and through) everything we do:

our values

  • We are professional and believe in quality delivery
  • We are committed to our clients
  • We have a soul
  • We thrive on challenges
  • We are open to learn

we know
our stuff

We are accredited with the Services SETA as a training provider and hold programme approval status with the Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA) and merSETA’ .

Growth-Link Integrated Solutions is committed to the implementation of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) and we hold a Level 2 B-BBEE Certificate with a 62% black ownership



We provide learning, psychometric assessment and coaching services to blue chip organisations across South Africa.
